Thursday, May 1, 2008

Big Screen Entertainment Group Acquires Rights to New Eric Roberts Film

Big Screen Entertainment Group has acquired the international sales rights to the new Eric Roberts/Karen Black thriller, entitled "Contamination." The film features acclaimed Russian filmmaker Rodion Nahapatov. In addition to starring, Nahapatov (called "the Russian George Clooney") also wrote and directed the fast paced, contemporary medical thriller.

Roberts co-stars in the upcoming Warner Bros. Batman sequel, "The Dark Night," starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. Roberts was nominated for an Academy Award for his star making turn in "Runaway Train." Karen Black is a two time Academy Award nominee and two time Golden Globe Winner.

In addition to this film project, Big Screen has acquired an additional four more movie titles to distribute internationally. BSEG’s library with Film One and Five Star has now grown to over 30 titles to be sold at Cannes this year.

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